Saturday, January 31, 2009


STEM, as I've said before, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Engineering is my favorite STEM subject. The workshops offered by FI3T are very interesting as well as fun. In the workshops for engineering, I've learned not only about industrial engineering, but safety at these fobs, some programming languages and some of the languages, and some about electrical dealing with small robots.



Welcome to my FI3T project blog site. FI3T, which stands for Fostering Interest in Information Technology and is hosted by the University of Michigan - Dearborn, gives different classes to chosen students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). I'm creating this blog as part of an educational technology class. This is my first blog, and I find it to be an interesting tool that I will be using in the future. I look forward to seeing your posts and seeing you in more blogs.